Welcome 2013


Happy New Year everyone. I hope that 2012 was a good year for you all and that 2013 will be an even better year for everyone.

I’ve spent the last few days going over the past year in my head and thinking about what I would like to achieve over the next 12 months (and beyond that as well), in all aspects of my life – not just fitness and food related goals. There are so many things that I would love to do, but I know that I can’t achieve all the things I would like to do, so I’ve had to pare my list down a little, to make it achievable. I didn’t really accomplish what I set out to last year (isn’t that the story for so many of us), in fact, I rarely accomplish my new years resolutions. To see just how much I didn’t accomplish, you can take a look at last year’s resolutions here. I think you will note by the lack of blogging over the year, the fact that my weight is only a few kilos less than when I started 2012 off and the fact that I haven’t written about my fantastic day swimming with the sharks, that I didn’t accomplish much on that list. Again…. So do I think that I’m going to be more successful this year? Of course, I have to say yes, isn’t that what we always do? Do I really believe that? Partly yes, and partly no. I would like to believe that I’m going to be more successful at achieving my goals, but I know what I’m like and the reality is that a lot of my goals will slip by the wayside pretty darn tootin’ quickly. But I will attempt, once again, to make goals and stick to them. So what are they for this year?

  1. Blog more.
    I love blogging, I love the feeling of release it gives me and the ability to get things off my chest, usually without harming anyone except myself. Sometimes though, I find it so hard to write down what I’m feeling that I bottle it all up and then it gets too hard to come back to it. But this year, I would like to blog about anything and everything, whether it’s good news or bad. If I feel it’s something I can’t share, then maybe it’s time I put to good use the fact that I can make my posts private! Blogging is good for the soul!
  2. Eat healthy and exercise more.
    These two need to go hand in hand with each other, they’re like black and white, the sun and the moon – you can’t have one without the other. Of course, I want to eat healthy and exercise more so that I can lose weight. I have about 40kg still to lose (hmmm about what I started 2012 off with – see my earlier comment about resolutions going undone!). I’d like to think I can do that in the next 12 months, but rather than say that, I would like to further add to this goal by saying that a sub-goal of mine is to:

    • Have steady weight-loss
      This is as opposed to having a set amount of weight I would like to lose this year. Of course, I would love to lose all 40kg this year, but more importantly, I want to get off this yo-yo merry-go-round. I would like to lose weight consistently this year. Not down, then up, then down, down, down then up again. Just a gradual down. If it takes me 12 months, or 24 months to lose my weight, then so be it, so long as it’s on that downward spiral only.
    • Have a steady exercise routine
      Just as I am always up and down with my weight, I’m also up and down with my exercise routine. It’s either all or nothing for me, which quite frankly, the older I get the harder I find it to cope with one week increasing my fitness, only to then slack off and six weeks later try and get back into it, feeling like every second I’m about to have a heart attack. So steady, regular exercise is going to be my mantra for this year. I have decided to join in on a goal of doing 2013 kilometers in 2013 – this can be done by either walking, running, cycling, swimming, or climbing. It’s doable, IF I am consistent.
  3. Finish off my quilting and crochet projects.
    I have so many on the go at the moment, I really need to pull my finger out and get them finished. It’s just slackness that stops me. So no more excuses.
  4. Read more.
    I love reading, but last year I found that I didn’t do much of it at all. So this year, I want to take a few hours each week and dedicate it solely to just sitting back with my Kindle and relaxing with a good book. Whether it’s a crime novel that keeps me on the edge of my chair in suspense, or even just a trashy romance novel that makes me smile at the end of it, it doesn’t matter, so long as I’m taking that time out to just enjoy reading again.
  5. Be more organised around home.
    I wish I was one of these women who was just a natural homebody who kept an immaculate house and didn’t get narky with her partner if he left her to do all the work. I’m not. I do get narky when M leaves me to do most of the housework, to the point where sometimes, I will just leave the dishes sitting in the sink for a few days out of spite. If he’s not going to put them in the dishwasher (oh yes, we have a dishwasher, I don’t even have to clean them myself…. slack aren’t I!) then why should I? This year, my aim is to keep a cleaner, more organised home. (We’ll start that one tomorrow though hmmmmm).
  6. And last, but by no means least –

  7. Save more.
    We want to buy our own home. But that’s not going to happen if I don’t stick to my budget. So this year, my aim is to create my budget (done, can check that off the list already) and to stick to it, so we can save enough and finally buy a house. I don’t even care at this point if it’s only a small one bedroom place, so long as it’s ours, though really, two bedrooms would be so much better!

So those are my goals for this year. I have a few more, but to me these ones are the important ones. The ones I need to put out there, to you all, in the hopes that you will help keep me honest and on track with them. Let’s see how I go this year. I’m looking forward to my next resolution re-cap in twelve months, hopefully checking these off the list.

Happy New Year - 2013
Happy New Year – 2013

12WBT pre-season task #7 – Organise and diarize




Monday 6.30-7.30am RFBR program (shuffle)
  5.30-6.30pm Jillian Michaels – 30 day shred or Zumba dvd
Tuesday 6.30-7.30am RFBR program (shuffle)
  5.30-6.30pm Swimming and aquaerobics
Wednesday 6.30-7.30am RFBR program (shuffle)
  5.30-6.30pm Softball training. When softball ends, replace with a bike ride
Thursday 5.30-6.30pm Swimming
Friday 6.30-7.30am RFBR program (shuffle)
Saturday Morning RFBR program (shuffle) and Zumba dvd
  1-3pm Softball. When softball ends, rest
Sunday All day Rest day! Ahhhh…


After my disastrous attempts at exercising after finding the pool closed yesterday I have decided that I am going to have a few back-up plans for "just in case"

  • If it is pouring down with rain in the mornings when I’m going to go for my shuffle I will instead chuck on either a Jillian Michaels, Michelle Bridges or Zumba dvd and do this inside. When finances allow I’m going to look into perhaps hiring a treadmill for indoor use.
  • Again, if the swimming pool is closed I will either:
    1. Go to one of the numerous beaches surrounding me and swim in the ocean – weather permitting
    2. Go home and do an exercise dvd of the toning variety
    3. If I have invested in a gym membership by then (a slight possibility) I will head to the gym to do a class and weights.

Struggling with exercise

Today’s daily food intake…

I set my alarm for 6.30am again today, knowing that Friday nights are always busy at our place because it’s food shopping night and then have to cook dinner and then I’m just knackered, so there is never any exercise happening on Fridays. So I did the right thing last night, and set the alarm so I could get up early and do my exercise first thing.

Did that happen? No. At 5.30am something woke me up (probably the damn cat again, I love Maximus, but he drives me insane), and I struggled to get back to sleep. So when the alarm went off the only thing I could think was Hell no! I rolled over, turned it off, and went back to sleep.

And I’ve been feeling guilty about it all day long. I’m just so tired lately I don’t know what’s going on with me. This week I have struggled so much with exercising, and when I have done it, it’s been half arsed and I haven’t put my all into it like I should have and the guilt is pissing me off as much as the general tiredness is. I just want to cry.

I feel okay with my food, I still need to reign in a bit on my portion sizes, but my exercise is just crap! Crap. Crap. Crap. And I don’t know how to get myself moving and motivated so that I can meet my goals. (19.6kg gone in 13 weeks – not going to happen at this rate with my crapola exercising). So tonight I think I’m going to have a really nice early one, and hopefully I will feel all refreshed ready to do some exercise tomorrow morning and then play softball in the afternoon. I hope.

12wbt day sixty five – Devastation

I was going so well with the 12wbt program, but last week was definitely a slip up.
I knew that today’s weigh in wasn’t going to be great, I expected a little weight gain, but I gained a whole kilo. I really hadn’t thought I’d done quite THAT badly, but apparently I had. So there was major disappointment to myself this morning when I looked at the scales and saw that the number had jumped right up. But there is nothing I can do about the week that has passed, so I can only look to the week ahead now and make sure that I pull my head back in, and focus again.

To that end, I really need to start keeping a track of my daily calories and food plan, which I haven’t really kept up the last couple of weeks. Also have been very disorganised in general, so need to sit down and work up a proper menu plan once again and do a big food shop. That will have to be tonight I think. Though I don’t quite know how I can fit both the gym and food shopping in arghhhhh. Perhaps I might do the food shopping, then come home and do Zumba. Seriously people I need more time in my life.

I shall advise of the outcome tonight…. Till then, happy weigh in everyone, and I hope you all do a hell of a lot better than I did. Silly Tina :/

12WBT days twenty five to twenty eight – Feeling like a failure

I have so many mixed emotions going on in my head right now I don’t know if I’m coming or going. I haven’t blogged for the last few days, because there wasn’t any point. I wasn’t going to be able to write how I had gotten in some great exercise, or how I had eaten fantastically. All I would have been able to say was that I was eating – crap food – but eating. Thrown in among it would be a bit of good food, and of course the thought that I should be eating this good food all the time. But even knowing that I should be eating healthier, and knowing that I can do it, that I have been doing it, the past week has just been hard and I admit that I have caved. Oh and let me not forget the no exercise bit. I didn’t do my mini milestone, and I haven’t done my fitness test. Those two things I can honestly put down to being sick, but it still doesn’t make me feel good that I’ve missed them.

I could make a lot of excuses, like how we have hardly been home, but out and about, coming and going at odd hours of the day. I could even use the excuse of how I have a raging cold, that is quickly turning into the flu, but the truth is, I was weak and I should have prepared better and not let the temptation get to me.

So that has brought back all my feelings of self doubt, feelings of failure, which is starting to affect me in my day to day life. I woke up this morning to go back to work for my first day after taking last week off, having the worst case of the flu. I have issues with my car not unlocking first thing in the morning, and of course, today was no different. I went outside to get in the car, and the doors wouldn’t open. I broke down. Just completely lost it. Sat there bawling my eyes out. So now I’m just trying to work out if my eating and lack of exercise is connected to these extreme emotions that I seem to be going through, or just because I’m sick.

I have decided though that I am going to use this last week as an example of how easy it is to get lulled into a false sense of security. That yes, there are going to be times in my life when I’m not going to be home to make dinner and get my proper food organised, but I’m going to have to make sure that I still try to make the correct choices wherever I am. It has also made me realise just how on the ball I’m going to have to be for the rest of my life. There aren’t any easy roads where I can sit down, munch on a bag of chips and not have it affect me in some way. Pity it’s taken a bad couple of weeks into such a great program for me to realise that huh?

So haven’t had dinner yet, and to be honest, not really sure that I will tonight. Not so hungry with all the mucus I have sitting in my head right now, but I shall put my daily stats up a little later.