Oh my aching legs

Yesterday’s daily food intake…
Today’s daily food intake…
Well I did it everyone. I got up at 6.21 (I had a one minute lie in I admit) this morning and got my walking gear on, got the GPS on my phone turned on, iPod plugged in, had a quick slug of water, fed Maximus Catticus (our cat Max – he rocks! for proof see the pic below!) and I was out the door with my pre-planned route.

Maximus Catticus - all dressed up as a reindeer at Christmas time

And you know what? I enjoyed every single second of it. I even at one point had a wee, tiny bit of a jog. Not a shuffle, not a big jog, but a nice, even, small jog! It didn’t last long, but it was there. I felt like I was on top of the world this morning and no one could pull me down. I’m still up there actually. It was a really nice feeling to know that I’ve already done my exercise for the day, so I don’t have to race home after work to fit it in before having to cook dinner for tonight and tomorrow night, but if I choose to do more exercise then that is perfectly fine and acceptable too. It’s a choice now, and I like having choices. By the way, my choice was to not do anymore exercise, I ended up cooking both the dinners.

So back to my walk/mini-jog this morning. I didn’t do the full hour that I was going to, I did 45 minutes. The route that I had planned would take me longer than an hour to do and unfortunately I didn’t really factor that in last night when I planned it out. I had to be home so that I could get ready for work. So when I got to the point where I cross back past my home, I went a little bit further, over the bridge to the leisure centre as I had planned, but instead of continuing around that and taking the streets surrounding it back home, I doubled back and headed home (I cannot afford to be late to work…) but I’m still pretty happy with my route and what I accomplished.

So a few things I learned today:

  • Firstly, when I leave in the morning I need to make sure I lock Max in the laundry, because otherwise he just meows for the next hour and wakes Mick up, which makes for a grumpy Mick in the morning, which doesn’t make for a happy Tina.
  • I won’t be running back along the road once I’ve gotten to Billy Lights Point. There are no actual pathways so at times I found myself walking on the actual road and I discovered that people actually zoom up that road at quite some speed. And there are trucks. I’m not a truck fan.
  • I need a better phone with a GPS system that actually kicks in when you turn it on, and not 1km into my walk – rather annoying.
  • I need to not stop and take photos all the time, that does interfere with my walking. I admit, but it was a gorgeous morning and I’m sure you all appreciate the photos don’t you?
  • Most importantly

    Doing Zumba and really putting a shitload of effort into the squats, then going up and down the few stairs you have in the house the next day, followed by a power walk the next morning leaves you feeling so very, very bloody tender. When you then have to walk up two flights of stairs to get to your office, back down those stairs to get to the toilets and are drinking minimum of 2 litres of water a day, you do those stairs on a regular basis. By the end of the day, it’s so hard to walk… Oh my bloody legs!/li>

All up I’m counting today as success, and I’m going to repeat it on Wednesday and then again on Friday. Tomorrow is swimming day, and I love swimming (maybe one day, when I finally learn, I might love running too, but for now I only love swimming…).

On a final note, I have to say that I was really super chuffed at the amount of people who came by my site yesterday after Michelle Bridges mentioned me and my little blog in one of her posts. The messages people left were really lovely and supportive and were just so great to read, so I would just like to say thank you to those of you that commented. You helped to really make my day this morning when I read them all.

1 Comment

  • Vanessa

    February 7, 2012 at 7:39 am

    Well done on getting up so early to exercise. Feels great doesn’t it! Makes you wonder why we torture ourselves with all the excuses when getting out and actually doing it makes us feel so good.

    V. The Babbling Bandit

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