Hurting bad

Today’s daily food intake…

Weigh in day – yesterday (oops)

Previous weight: 103.4kg.
Today’s weight: 102.6kg.
0.8kg loss

Today was not my day!

Finally, finally after so many times trying I got up at 6.20am ready and energised from yesterday to do my shuffle in the morning. Got myself dressed and out the door, ready to do the whole route this morning before I had to go home and get ready for work.

Right, well that lasted a whole ten f*cking minutes. I was really pumping my legs and jogging (it wasn’t even shuffling today, it was proper jogging) and my back was straight, my arms were pumping, I was breathing well…


Until my shoe found a rock (or a twig, or something, I don’t even know what now) and I fell. Not on my arse, no. Flat on my face. Arms outstretched, jarred my plated wrist and smacked my teeth into my lip. All I could do was get up in masses of pain and literally scream “Why the hell does this happen to me all the bloody time?” I was so upset. I was hurt, I was angry, I was sad and glum, I was every bad emotion you could think of.

It was at that point that I turned around and went home to assess the damage I’d managed to do to myself. So my total training time was 15 minutes. Unbelievable. Thankfully I didn’t chip any teeth, but the damage to my lip was not pretty. Sliced it nice and deep on the inside, bruised it at the bottom and managed to slice the outside of my lips both top and bottom. But the worst is that the impact of smacking my hand into the ground has left me with terrible wrist pain again all day, not to mention the fact that my palm is all grazed up too.

The damage I do to myself

More damage

But seriously, the worst part of it all is not the physical injuries but the mental thoughts going around and around in my head now. It took me so long to work up the courage to get out there and try running, telling myself that of course I’m not going to fall over again, I’m not going to break any more bones. And now I’ve gone and done that. Fallen over and hurt myself again and it sounds stupid, but I’m so damn scared of doing it again, because I really, really, really don’t want to break any more bones. I don’t want any more plates in my body and more than anything I don’t want any more scars on my body. But that’s all arguing with the want to be able to get out there and run. At the moment though, I just don’t know which voice in my head is going to win. But I do think I need to look at my exercise plan and perhaps change it in case I don’t get back out there shuffling.

Lessons learned while shuffling

I learned a few lessons today, while I did my afternoon shuffle. Let me share with you what they were:

  1. You shouldn’t turn your alarm off in the morning (I kinda knew this one already, but it’s been slammed home to me again today), because if you do turn your alarm off in the morning, that means you have to make your exercise up in the evening. Which means:

    • That you’re out in the heat and you sweat more.
    • You’re already knackered from a day at work, so it’s going to be even harder work for you when you do your shuffle and it’s really going to hurt more than in the mornings.
    • The cooking won’t have miraculously done itself while you’ve been out doing your shuffle, so you’re still going to have to go home to do it
  2. If you play little games, it makes it more fun and makes the time go quicker.
  3. When you really push yourself, you can do better than you thought you could!

Let me explain that last one. Last Monday when I did my shuffle I only managed to do 4.10km and that took me 43 minutes, which gave me an average pace of 5.56km/hr. Tonight when I did my shuffle I managed to do the whole planned track of 5.37km, and at the 43 minute mark I had done 4.60km – which is 500 metres more than my time on on Monday. I know that 500 metres doesn’t sound a lot, but to me that’s a whole helluva lot. Now while I’m in my statistician mode (I can see a whole new career coming on for me here…) here’s a couple more stats for y’all. My average pace last Monday was 5.56km/hr but today I had an average pace of 6.32km/hr. Yeah baby I’m gonna kick arse soon! I’m not quite at running yet, but by George I’m definitely getting quicker.

So to make the time go quicker and to really get my pace going quicker I played a little game with myself. I got my heart rate up to 155 and kept it there for a bit, then I jogged hard until I got my HR up to 170, held it there as long as I could and then dropped back to a walk, until my HR dropped back down to 155 and then repeated the process again and again. God that was killer. Almost like interval training. So that’s how my shuffle went today.

Tomorrow the plan is to NOT turn the alarm off in the morning and get it over and done with and out of the way first thing!

Happy Valentines Day

Well everyone I leave you with a short post tonight to say that I hope you all have a lovely Valentines Day. I am going to have a lovely meal with my other half and spend some good quality time with him tonight, which sadly doesn’t include blogging.

Till tomorrow.

12WBT day one – over almost before I began

Today’s daily food intake…

So today was kick-off, the first official day of the Twelve Week Body Transformation Program (12WBT) and I got up early to do my shuffle (I’m starting again because I never got out in the morning again last week after my Monday morning efforts) – determined to make a good start to the week and start as I meant to go along – with daily exercise in the form of a shuffle, followed some nights of the week by extra exercise.

Except of course, being Monday and the first official day of the program I had to weigh-in. Got up, went to the toilet, and got on the scales. And then nearly almost collapsed in tears. Since last Wednesday I have somehow managed to gain 1.4kg. WTF??? I have eaten well, I have exercised, I have done everything right and I’ve gained weight in only 5 days. I was so upset.

But you will be pleased to know that I still got out there and I did my shuffle after I finally got myself dressed and had my little sob over my weight gain. I’ve decided to ignore that number on the scales this morning and only pay attention to my Wednesday Weigh In. On the plus side I did my measurements and I’m happy to announce that over the last 6 weeks I have lost a total of 18cm in total, which makes me pretty chuffed (and also makes it a little easier to ignore that number on the scales).

So here’s to the next four weeks and smashing my fitness test and having more CM’s lost by then.

Date Weight Chest Waist Hips Thighs Arms Total lost
          Left Right Left Right  
02/01/2012 110.0kg 109cm 110cm 133cm 72cm 73cm 45cm 47cm
13/02/2012   104.5cm 106cm 129cm 71cm 70.5cm 43.5cm 46.5cm 18.5cm

’twas the night before 12wbt

Today’s daily food intake…

and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse…

Is it silly that I feel like it’s Christmas Eve? I’m full of excitement about 12WBT starting up again officially tomorrow. Excitement and a wee bit of nervousness because I’ve set myself such a large goal this year. I was hoping to have gotten down to 100kg even by the time we kicked off tomorrow, but I’ve missed it by a few kilos. Which means I have about 18kg to lose over the next 12 weeks.

Of course, there is an official weigh in tomorrow morning so maybe I have lost a little more? I’m hoping so, because 18kg sounds like a lot to lose over such a short period. That’s where the most of my nervousness is coming in. Can I lose the weight I’ve set myself to lose? Well I’m going to damn well try and I’m going to be happy with whatever I lose, (if in the future I seem despondent over what I may or may not have lost, please remind me that I said I was going to be happy!) even if it’s not the full 18kg.

Today I did the rest of my fitness test and I’m putting myself well into the beginner’s class. Here are my results:

Fitness test

  • 1km time trial: 8:33
    I am so happy with this result, I was expecting into the 10minutes.
  • Wall sit: 32.2seconds
    Not the best, not the worst. I’ve been doing so much extra running and exercises lately I’ve got really sore knees constantly. I know if it wasn’t for that I could have done better. But in 4 weeks time I will do better, because I will weigh less and my knees won’t hurt as much as they do now!
  • Push ups (on knees): 19
    This one actually surprised me, made me wonder if I was doing them properly. Happy with this result.
  • Ab strength: Stage 1.
    Hell I couldn’t even do one full sit up properly. I sucked at these!
  • Sit and reach: -2cm
    Nope, can’t touch my toes. Yet.

So there we go. If you’re interested these were my results from 2010. There are some tests where I was better back then, but others where I’m worse – like the time trial, last time around it was 10:46. I’ve shaved 2 mins off – yay me.

To everyone out there who will be joining me in doing 12WBT this round GOOD LUCK. I hope you all get to your goals that you have set yourself and that you have fun while you’re doing it.

Gearing up for 12WBT to start

Today’s daily food intake…

Today was a pretty full on day for me. Got up this morning with Mick as he had to go to work and all I wanted was a sleep in, but it just didn’t happen. I long for the day when I get to sleep in again, it hasn’t happened for so long. If it’s not Mick waking up for work, it’s Maximus meowing for breakfast or it’s just me not being able to sleep. Now normally when I used to get up early, I would wait for Mick to go to work then stick on a DVD and that would be my day. The only time I would get up off the couch was to take toilet breaks, and then I’d make a stop by the pantry on my way back and grab some chips or chocolate and munch on that while watching something on TV. Then I’d wonder how I managed to watch a whole season of Gossip girl in a weekend… Well that’s how!

That was the old me. The new me got up with Mick, and waited till he went to work and then I put on my Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD and died!!! Seriously, that woman makes you kick your own arse. I thought I worked hard when I did Zumba, but that DVD got me working harder than I’ve worked in ages. It was a really hard workout, a lot of getting up and down on and off the floor, but it was enjoyable all the same. I can’t say I love it as much as Zumba, but I definitely work harder doing that one than I do in Zumba.

So after that was all over and done with and my heart rate had gone back to normal I went to meet the lovely Miss A to do our time trial. I’m not going to give away what time we did it in, tell you that tomorrow with the rest of my fitness test results, but I’m happy to say that I beat my last time and am pretty pleased with it. So now I’m gearing up and getting ready for the official start on Monday. Would love to have a rest day tomorrow and just mooch all day, but alas, no exercise on Friday and little on Wednesday and Thursday means I still have to work my butt off tomorrow. I believe I will be doing that by completing stage 1 of the 30 day shred again. Maybe I’ll do it twice and really burn those extra calories.

Some interesting food facts

Today’s daily food intake…

I did a little googling out of interest today to see just how many calories are in McDonalds food, because lately I’ve been having the biggest craving for a Triple Cheeseburger. Not just an ordinary cheeseburger but a triple cheeseburger. Ohh the gooey cheesy melting goodness and the extreme greasiness of one of those is just divine. Yes, I know they are so totally bad and unhealthy for you, but every now and then I just crave one. Normally of course I would give in to the temptation and go through the drive through and scoff down the cheeseburger before I get home so that no one knows I’ve had one. Then to cover up the fact that I’ve had one, I eat dinner too so I don’t look suspicious for not eating – because I am not one to miss my meals. That was back in the days when I wasn’t eating healthy and exercising though (mind you, there hasn’t been a great deal on the exercise front this week…), these days I don’t do such naughty things. I just dream about holding the cheeseburger in my hands and dream about the taste of it. Then I have to physically restrain myself from going down to Maccas and scoffing a whole crapload of food.

Now in case you’re interested here’s a bit of info about the calories in McDonalds (taken from their info sheet):



Big Mac 493cals/2060kj
Cheeseburger 284cals/1190kj
Double Cheeseburger 430cals/1800kj
Triple Cheeseburger Not even on the website! How ashamed of those calories must they be?
Grand Angus 630cals/2630kj
Mighty Angus 686cals/2870kj
Quarter Pounder 549cals/2300kj
Double Quarter Pounder 851cals/3560kj
McChicken 408cals/1710kj
Small fries 255cals/1070kj
Medium fries 368cals/1540kj
Large fries 453cals/1900kj
6 chicken nuggets 279cals/1160kj
Mustard sauce 66cals/275kj

Now let’s put some of this into perspective. When I used to go to McDonalds I would quite often get (apart from the triple cheeseburger [they were a 3am specialty!]) a Double Quarter Pounder meal, with large fries and a large coke. Sometimes if I was particularly hungry I’d also throw in a 6 pack of nuggets. The grand total of that dinner: 1657 calories (there are apparently 310 calories per large coke according to my Google research). That is not just a daily allowance of food, but a daily allowance of food, plus snacks and then the breakfast and morning snack of the next day. All rolled into one dinner! Bloody freaking hell!

When you look at the figures written down like that it’s really not hard to see how I managed to gain so much weight is it. Considering that wasn’t just a one off dinner for me. During my single times, living by myself I would quite often eat dinners like that, to a varying degree. Plus there was breakfasts of rolls with bacon, eggs and barbecue sauce, full fat latte and lunches of some sort of food court meal. I have to admit I never stopped to think how many calories there were in the dinners that I was eating, and I’m a little ashamed to actually put it out there and to read this. God it makes me feel quite sick, and thankfully the cravings for McDonalds have now gone.

Just something I thought I would share with you all.

Uneventful day

Today’s daily food intake…

Nothing exciting happening today. Ate well, did a little bit of exercise but am so bloody tired I can barely function tonight. So with that said, I’m going to take myself off to bed, have myself a very early night and hopefully tomorrow morning I won’t turn that damn alarm off and I will get back out there to my shuffle track and kick a bit of Friday morning’s arse. Because I really need my arse kicked that’s for sure.

12WBT pre-season task #7 – Organise and diarize




Monday 6.30-7.30am RFBR program (shuffle)
  5.30-6.30pm Jillian Michaels – 30 day shred or Zumba dvd
Tuesday 6.30-7.30am RFBR program (shuffle)
  5.30-6.30pm Swimming and aquaerobics
Wednesday 6.30-7.30am RFBR program (shuffle)
  5.30-6.30pm Softball training. When softball ends, replace with a bike ride
Thursday 5.30-6.30pm Swimming
Friday 6.30-7.30am RFBR program (shuffle)
Saturday Morning RFBR program (shuffle) and Zumba dvd
  1-3pm Softball. When softball ends, rest
Sunday All day Rest day! Ahhhh…


After my disastrous attempts at exercising after finding the pool closed yesterday I have decided that I am going to have a few back-up plans for "just in case"

  • If it is pouring down with rain in the mornings when I’m going to go for my shuffle I will instead chuck on either a Jillian Michaels, Michelle Bridges or Zumba dvd and do this inside. When finances allow I’m going to look into perhaps hiring a treadmill for indoor use.
  • Again, if the swimming pool is closed I will either:
    1. Go to one of the numerous beaches surrounding me and swim in the ocean – weather permitting
    2. Go home and do an exercise dvd of the toning variety
    3. If I have invested in a gym membership by then (a slight possibility) I will head to the gym to do a class and weights.

12WBT pre-season task #6 – Kitchen makeover

So my task for pre-season task #6 – Kitchen makeover was to empty out my kitchen cupboards and the fridge of all my junk food and processed food. Food that I wouldn’t and couldn’t be eating on the 12WBT. Things like chips, chocolate biscuits, biscuits in general, juices and cordials and food that is just in general high in calories and fat and low in any real nutritional value.

I have to say that this was a pretty easy task for me. I don’t really have a lot of junk food in the house and the little that I do have in the house is the food that Mick likes to eat. I know that part of my task is to be ruthless and throw this food out, but I have two problems with this:

      A) I’ve paid good money for this food, I don’t want to waste it all by throwing it out. I have issues with throwing out food, for no real reason. I know that there have been times when I’ve bought fruit and vegetables and it’s gotten lost at the back of the fridge and finally I throw it out, but that’s not a purposeful waste of food. Throwing out junk food, while it’s still junk food, is to me – a waste.
      B) Mick likes to have the occasional packet of chips. Or cordial. Who am I to tell him that he can’t eat what he wants to? Mick is my number one supporter, and to be fair to him, when he does eat his chips, he doesn’t eat them in front of me, he’ll eat them elsewhere. Mick doesn’t have a weight problem, and is quite fit, so just because I’m not fit, I’m supposed to deny him food that he likes to eat occasionally? I can’t do it, I’ve tried, and I just can’t.

Thankfully, there was only two packets of chips in the cupboard and they are still there, all the way down the bottom where I’m not tempted to get them. The rest of the cupboard is full of lovely, healthy food and so is the fridge. In fact the fridge is happiest of all, full of fruit and veggies as it is!