Kitchen window quilt

Finally I have managed to spend a crapload of time working on some of my quilting projects that I’ve had on the go for a while now. I admit that I pretty much put everything else on the backburner to get this quilt finished, but I just couldn’t stand seeing it lying around any longer. I got some design work knocked off yesterday, so today I was determined to concentrate on getting the binding sewn on. That was all it needed to be finished off. But hand sewing for me, is one very long tedious and slow task. Not to mention painful. I sat down, put on the Time Travellers Wife and was still sewing it on when the movie finished. By this time, my wrist was crying out in pain but I was so close to it being finished, that I kept going. I know that I’m going to pay for that tomorrow. But take a look at the quilty goodness that I now have – for me, that’s going to make the pain worthwhile…

The front of the "KItchen window" quilt
The back of the "Kitchen window" quilt
The needle is now blunt after I stabbed it into my fingers only about - oh 500 times or so.

So I admit (for 12WBT followers) I ignored all exercise this weekend. I ate well (except for dinner last night, but shhhh….) but I did nothing else except work and quilt. And I have to admit, I feel better for it. I feel re-energised and re-focused on getting back into the swing of things tomorrow morning with a shuffle and getting back on the JFDI thought process.

Now, to work out which quilt I’m going to finish next. The “New Beginnings” challenge quilt (which I need to post to USA on 12th March), the “Rain or Shine” quilt, the “Blissful baby” quilt or the scrappy quilt for our bed. Hmm I suppose seeing as how I have to send the new beginnings quilt in about 2 weeks time, I should probably get started on (and finish) that one.

So excuse me now. I’m off to turn the air conditioner down to about 15 so I can go and snuggle under my quilt. Just cos I can.

SSS – Super Slack Saturday

Yeah I know SSS is supposed to stand for Super Saturday Session, but for me, today, it stood for Super Slack Saturday.

Went to bed last night with a cranking headache, sniffly nose and sore throat and woke pretty much the same. Add into the mix 40 degree (celcius) weather and that basically led me to sitting my butt down on the couch all day and got me doing some much needed design work that I had let get on top of me for a while. So now I’m way behind in my exercise for the week and to top it off, ended up going down to the pub with Mick after he finished cricket tonight and had a chicken schnitzel for dinner. Oh yeah, today really was a super slack Saturday.

But there’s always tomorrow right!

Struggle street

I have to admit that this week has been a struggle for me. In all areas. Exercise, food, motivation, anything you can think of, I’ve struggled with.

I’ve never made a secret of the fact that I hate exercise and that it’s always been my biggest struggle when doing 12WBT or any “diet” program. That hasn’t changed. I love swimming (and am very proud to announce that I finally got off my butt and made a swimming lesson for next Monday – no more epileptic jellyfish type swimming for me!), but lately, even that has been a struggle. I’ve done something to my shoulder – probably a result of not knowing how to swim correctly – so every stroke I do just hurts so bad. I haven’t been able to do my 40 laps in the last two weeks, which feels like so much failure to me, because really, it was the only exercise I really had going for me.

I’m still struggling with running/jogging/shuffling. I’m still doing it, but the confidence really took a beating with my fall last week that I’m still wary about it. My new sneakers (Leroy and Rodney) are doing fantastically though and are very happy to be out there hitting the pavement.

But the thing I am struggling with the most this week is the food. I’m so hungry all the time. It’s not real hunger, because I’m eating same as always, but it’s fake hunger – for bad food. I find that this week all I’m craving is bad food – hamburgers, pizza, KFC, ice-cream, chocolate (which I don’t even really like), chips, gravy, cold chips, anything that could be considered bad for you, I want it!

I haven’t caved in yet and bought any of this junk food. But notice how I wrote yet. I’m worried. I’m worried that I’m just going to cave in and go on a binge and un-do the work that I’ve done. I don’t know why I want this food. I genuinely enjoy the food I’ve been eating the last eight weeks, and I haven’t really been missing junk food. So I don’t know why all of a sudden I am. I’m also pretty sad that I gained 1.2kg last week – for reasons unknown. I’m feeling sad and glum and like I’m failing, even though I know deep down that I’m not.

But this food thing – I really don’t know what to do to make the want for junk food to go away. It’s driving me nuts!

Perhaps time for a new belt

Today’s daily food intake…

So I went to get dressed for work this morning and decided I’d wear my long black skirt (because, well, I haven’t shaved my legs okay! And I can’t wear a shorter skirt with un-shaved legs, let’s be honest here…) Now I knew that this skirt was too big for me (partly due to weight loss, partly due to the elastic finally dying in the skirt) and I knew that I was going to have to wear a belt with it, so I didn’t have any more wardrobe malfunctions like I had last week when I wore it and discovered it hanging halfway down my hip as I’m crossing the main street in town (can we say embarrassed!). I rummaged around in my drawer until I found my one and only lonely black belt – my one and only belt full stop actually.

Finally found it and looped it through all the belt loops and went to do it up when ‘lo and behold – Houston we have a problem! The belt no longer fits me. Oh, but it’s not too small like you might be thinking! No indeed, it was too big! There I was standing in my bedroom holding this damn belt out and wondering how the hell I’m going to wear it, when I gave up and found a scarf to tie my skirt up with instead. But not before I got Mick to take a photo of me wearing it though.

I’m a little chuffed to be honest. I’ve been studying myself in the mirror and I know that I’ve lost weight – the scales tell me so (except this week, they were right bastards this week) and my tape measure tells me I’ve lost centimetres, but when I examine myself in the mirror I just don’t see any changes. Maybe a little in my face, but otherwise, I see no changes. So it’s lovely to have that proof smack bang in my face (and now in yours…) that yes, my healthy eating and attempts at exercising are working for me. This gives me more motivation to just keep going.

Blogging challenge week one: Interview with myself

Today’s daily food intake…

Weigh in day

Previous weight: 102.6kg.
Today’s weight: 103.8kg.
1.2kg gain (arghh)

Well I was trawling around the forums the other day when I saw a post about a blogging challenge. Well you know me and blogging, or hell, me and challenges even. Anyway I have decided to take part in the 12wbt blogger challenge. I’m doing this because it’s a different thing for me to do, takes me out of my comfort zone, because when I blog, I just sit down and randomly put up the stuff that I feel I want to talk about on that particular day. But doing a challenge forces me to think outside my own square. So here we go, first weeks challenge – Introduce yourself:

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. What makes you, you?

    I always find that this is such a hard question to answer. I’ve just turned 36 years old and I’m still trying to work out the answer to that very question. I think what makes me, me is my bubbliness. When people describe me they always seem to describe me as bubbly, which is what I always try to project to the outside world – even when inside I feel as if I’ve sunk into the deepest darkest pit imaginable. I think my sidebar really describes me best – I am Tina 36 pierced tattooed partner daughter sister step mother aunt best friend in love web developer graphic designer pisces dragon hermit anglophile reformed smoker paranoid cynical sarcastic funny unstable bubbly clever bitch dynamic flirt genuine overweight losing weight lunatic outspoken playful forgetful indescribable gregarious sometimes lazy busy stressed being positive and many other things. I think on there I should also add that I’m quite competitive and don’t like to lose, especially to myself and my inner thoughts. I would like to be more courageous, but at the moment I’m a bit of a scardey cat, vey scared to try new things. The other thing that makes me, me is my overwhelming desire to have a child of my own. I absolutely adore my bonus daughter, but I certainly have enough love left in me to be able to love her and child of my own. I know it sounds corny, but I really don’t think my life is going to be complete if I don’t have my own child. I love all my (real and honorary) nieces and nephews to bits but it’s just not the same as having a child of your own. It makes me sad that at my age I don’t have that yet, and it makes me scared that at my age I may never get that.

  2. Why did you decide to do the 12WBT?

    I did the 12WBT back in Round 2, 2010 in order to fit into a nice dress for a very special wedding we were going to. It was a wedding where I was going to meet a lot of Mick’s friends for the first time ever, and I wanted him to be proud to show me off, and I wanted to look and feel good for myself – knowing that there were going to be comparisons between myself and his ex-wife. In the end it came down to my own pride. I didn’t want bad comparisons – and that was such a great motivator. At the end of the day, I looked smashing at that wedding! I finally got to under 100kg and I rocked it! But then over the last 18 months I got slack and went back to my old eating habits and my old habits of being a couch potato rather than exercising and the weight crept back on until when I weighed myself on January 2 of this year my weight had gone back up to 110kg even. I couldn’t believe that I had let myself get to that. So joining up this round I was inspired, not by a wedding, but by my own personal goal of getting slimmer and fitter. As I said just before my biggest desire is to be a mother. But I want to be a good role model to my child. I want to be fit and healthy while I’m pregnant and not get any fatter. When my child is born, I want to be able to pass on good eating and exercising habits so that my child never, ever has to join a 12 week body transformation program. That is my want more than anything, to be fit and healthy – for me – and to pass that on to my family. There’s also the added bit of wanting to be able to go bike riding with Mick and keep up with him, and to be able to jog further and longer than him (I did mention I’m competitive right? lol)

  3. What are you hoping to achieve through the program?

    A more sensible approach to eating and hopefully a love of exercising. I know that I’m never going to be able to go back to eating whatever I want when I want, but at the same time I’m not happy to accept never again being able to eat McDonalds and KFC and Hungry Jacks and all that, or to never be able to go out to a restaurant with friends again and sit there looking at the menu in terror trying to work out how many calories is in this or that. Because even though I know that those foods really aren’t good for you, I really do quite enjoy the taste of them. I think I’m a bit like a smoker – I know it’s bad for me, but the smoking is just addictive so I do it anyway. But I’d like to be able to get to a point where I can say, alright, I’m going to have a hamburger tonight, so what do I need to do today to make sure that I don’t blow myself away calorie wise? How can I plan my daily food around having a hamburger tonight, or how can I fit going out to dinner with friends in without making myself gain 10kgs. What I think I’m trying to say is I want to learn about food moderation. I know that for the next year, these McDonalds and dinners out with friends need to be very limited until I can reach my goal weight – but I don’t want to cut them out completely either.

    The other thing I’m hoping to achieve is a love of exercise. I keep reading about how people hated exercise, but then they got into it and now they love it and couldn’t imagine not exercising, but that love has yet to come to me. I don’t enjoy exercising, in fact I pretty much hate every single minute of it (except swimming, which I love). I really hope, that by forcing myself to exercise every day, that eventually that love is going to come to me, and that exercise won’t always be such a bloody chore.

  4. Why have you decided to blog about the 12WBT? What will be the main focus (eg, food, exercise, a bit of everything?)

    I love to blog. It’s an obsession for me almost. I’ve had a blog of some description for about the last 8 or 9 years or so, probably more – in fact it was blogging that got me interested in web design and led to my current profession as a web developer. So for me, it was a natural progression for me to blog about my 12WBT experience. I blogged about it last time I did it, but I had a bit of a meltdown last year and stopped blogging for quite some time. I’ll be blogging about everything, the food, the exercise, the ups and downs. Into that mix I’ll also be blogging about my everyday interests also – such as quilting (which I’ve had very little time to do since starting 12WBT and the whole exercising thing…)

  5. How will you be exercising this round? Gym, home, outdoors or a mixture?

    This year I’ve taken up running. At the moment, I can’t run, I shuffle. But I’m learning to run. I started the C25K app, but that really didn’t work for me, but then I found this book by Ruth Field, Run Fat B!tch Run (visit her blog!) – and it gave me a whole new perspective on running and how to learn to run. I had a bit of a setback last week when I had a fall which kinda scared me, but I’m back into it now, especially with the addition of Leroy and Rodney – Hettie’s new playmates. It’s a party for us all!

    In addition to the learning to run thing, I’m also going to be doing swimming twice a week and also exercise DVDs at home. When the weather gets colder (which is happening a lot sooner than I thought it would) I’m planning on getting a bike holder for my mountain bike and using that as an indoor exercise bike and perhaps joining a gym for the use of the treadmills alone. But I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I want to give myself variety this year, so that I don’t get bored doing the same thing again and again.

  6. What is your greatest strength that will help you?

    I think in equal parts my greatest strength is my own determination to finally lose weight, get fit and have a baby and also the help and support of Mick. He’s very quiet about it, but when I’m really down, and don’t want to do any exercise he’s there to push me and help me along. Plus there’s also that wee little competitive streak. I just want to do well, and I’m competing against myself. So I have to win!

  7. What are you afraid of?

    Deathly afraid of falling over and breaking another bone again. Or just hurting myself in general. No so afraid of failing this time, because it’s going to be a long and gradual process, and I will succeed. By not having really given myself an exact time limit on how long it will take me I’ve kind of taken the pressure off myself to have to succeed at “this” much by “this” time. So mainly – falling over again.

  8. What are you looking forward to the most over the next 12 weeks?

    I’m looking forward to seeing just how much weight I will lose. I set myself the goal of getting down to 85kg by the end of the 12 weeks, but my body isn’t really playing the game at the moment, so I’m not 100% certain I’ll get there. But I think I will get close, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how close. I’m also looking forward to seeing what I look like slimmer, because in my whole adult life I’ve never been under 90kg, probably under 95kg. So for me, that will be an experience. I’m also really looking forward to getting fitter, so that exercising in general doesn’t hurt quite so much, and so I don’t look like an epileptic jellyfish when I swim and do Zumba.

  9. What is your downfall? Food? Exercise? How will you overcome this?

  10. My two downfalls are chips – potato chips in a bag, hot potato chips, with gravy or without, chips of any description! The yummy crunchy salty goodness of them. My other downfall is that at heart I’m pretty lazy and would much rather mooch on the couch with a good book or movie than get out there and do exercise. Combine the mooching with chips and you have a lethal combination that has been my life up to now. I’m going to overcome this by just not eating chips at all, because I can’t stop at one and I’m also setting my diary up weekly and scheduling my exercise in and making sure that Mick has got my back and is there to help me. I think I can do it. I hope I can do it.

  11. If you had to pick one word to motivate you over the next 12 weeks, what would you choose?

    RAAAWWWRRRRRRRRR. ‘nuff said.

That's me on the right.... Probably how I look too! (Stole this pic from Marshmallow's website -

You should all visit Marshmallows website – Do you have an extra large in this – right now!

These shoes were made for running

Today’s daily food intake…

Busy, very busy night tonight, so just a quick post. Trying to get a quilt that I’m making all finished and bound, so that I can get another two – strike that – three quilts finished, one of which is for a quilt swap and needs to be posted by early March and I haven’t even started it yet. No pressure though…

Noteworthy news from today though. My cat Maximus Catticus loves me sooooo much that he bought me a super lovely belated birthday gift today. Introducing Leroy (the left shoe) and Rodney (the right shoe)….

Leroy and Rodney

And okay, maybe Max didn’t go out and get them himself, maybe I might have helped him with it, but I’m sure he wanted to get me my new Asics Kayano 18 sneakers. I have never in my life spent so much money on a pair of sneakers before so damn they better be worth it. I shall let you know when I test them out tomorrow morning. Here’s to no falling over ever again in these wonderful shoes.

Happy birthday to me

Today’s daily food intake…

Just a quick post because it’s my birthday today and I’m still celebrating (read that as I’m sitting on the couch with Mick spending good, quality time together).

Have had a super lovely day and had some super lovely food and went way over my calorie limit – with dinner alone – but every single bite has been worth it.

I know I should be sitting here saying that I ate super clean and healthy, but I’m of the opinion that I have one birthday a year and I should be allowed to let loose a little. So I ate really well all day – healthy breakfast and lunch, only had a wee tiny little slice of the birthday cake that work bought me (and I mean, really small slice – it all fit in my mouth in one go, but I made it last two bites lol), and let loose a little with dinner – grilled rump steak, with chips and mushroom gravy (that’s where the calories came in) and then a wee little lemon cupcake birthday cake.

I loved every single mouthful and am happy that I didn’t say no, I can only eat grilled fish at this restaurant. And I will work hard tomorrow to make up for the food I ate tonight.

With that said, I’m back to my mooching on the couch with Mick. More tomorrow.

I’m back baby… Running that is

Today’s daily food intake…

Okay, maybe not running, but I’m back to my shuffling. So WooHoo and yay me!

Admittedly it took me two days more than I was saying it would. I swore I was going to get back out there on Friday and do it, but woke up so sore that I just couldn’t physically do it, and then I just lost my nerve. I know it sounds stupid for me to be scared to go for a shuffle/jog after only a little tumble, and it’s really hard to put into words the stupid irrational fears I have in my head. But I’ll try.

Three and a bit years ago I left my house in the morning to go to work. It was my fifth day at a brand new job, a job which I loved and was so excited to be going to. I stepped out on the path and there was broken concrete under my foot, which I hadn’t really noticed before. Hadn’t noticed until it came out from under my feet and I fell down. Hard. I smashed my wrist up, both bones, right up near the top where I couldn’t just have it wrapped in a cast. No, I had to do it hard and ended up with a plate in my wrist.

Broken Wrist

Side view of plate

Front view of plate

That alone was enough to scare the beejeezus out of me. I was too scared to walk alone anywhere because I didn’t want to fall over again. I went from being a girl who would wear heels everywhere, dancing for hours in stilettos, to someone who was too scared to walk with even flat shoes on, like I had on when I actually fell – that’s the weird part, I was wearing damned flat shoes when it happened. That broken wrist was just the start of the crappiness that followed though. I ended up with full blown pneumonia a week and a bit later – a result of the surgery on my wrist, and then it was almost a weekly trip back to the doctors having blood tests and ultrasounds to find out what was going on with my body after that – think liver and kidney problems. Then started the therapy to get movement back in my wrist – almost (actually sometimes moreso) as painful as breaking the wrist. Finally two months later I got back to that job I loved, but by then just getting to and from work was a struggle in itself.

But the worst, was the constant feeling of sadness and despair that came with all of this. Took me a while to really talk to the doctor about it, but eventually I was diagnosed with full blown depression – something I’d been fighting for years, but never done anything about because of the shame that I associated with it. But when I went to the doctor one day and just couldn’t actually get any words out because of the tears that were choking up my throat. I couldn’t explain what was wrong with me. I didn’t know why I wanted to cry all the time, why getting out of bed every day was a struggle. How just looking at the scar that I now had on my wrist could leave me sitting in a pile of mush for days and make me want to vomit. That was probably the best doctor visit I ever made, because to be honest, I don’t know where I’d be today if I hadn’t gone to the docs.

This is just a quick overview of the crap that happened all at the same time. I know it wasn’t all caused by the broken wrist, but every time I think of falling, I just associate it with bad things. Very bad things. It’s stupid. It’s irrational. But it’s just something that’s so hard to get over. I’m trying and the fact that I actually got back out there today and did a jog (a slow and careful jog, with Mick right by my side the whole time – even though he caved earlier than I did…) shows that I’ve come a long way, because three years ago I would have gone back inside, shut the door and not gone back outside for a week – and that’s after sitting down and bawling for a few hours. One day, I’ll be able to get back up after falling, brush it aside and just keep going. But until then I’ll just take it one day at a time and keep trying.

But the positive thing to take away from this (very maudlin – I’m sorry, it wasn’t where I was going with this post, it just kinda came out) is that…

I jogged again today.

Yeah baby, I’m back!

Sad and glum

Today’s daily food intake…

Nothing new to report today. Just feeling really sad and glum and want to cry. Had the best of intentions of getting up early and doing lots of exercise and actually doing a SSS, but that didn’t happen because I actually got to sleep in for once. The sleep in was really nice, but didn’t get me up and exercising.

And that was the tone for the whole day. Pretty much I did nothing, until this evening when I finally felt guilty for not having done anything and finally got off my arse and did the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd and burnt a measly 205 calories.

Today I just want to cry. I don’t know why I’m so sad, or what’s up with me, but I just want to curl up in a ball and hide myself away and cry. But I can’t do that cos I’m a big girl now. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

Nothing new to report

Did I get the balls to go back out there today and run?


Did I do any exercise to make up for the lack of run?

Very little.

Has today completely sucked?


Have been in lots of pain today, I did a little bit more damage to my wrist yesterday than I thought I had, apparently landing the way I did wasn’t a great idea. My palm is all cut and bruised and of course it’s my right hand which I use for everything. Oh and my face looks like a mix between someone with really bad case of cold sores and someone who’s been beaten up. So all round, I’m in a pretty crappy mood today.

The one bright spot is that Mick came home last night and asked how I was going. When I told him I wasn’t sure when I’d get back out there to try jogging again he actually offered to get up with me in the morning and go for a run with me, which is pretty big for him as he is the King of Sleeping In. Made me love him so much more than I already did.

So the plan is tomorrow morning, first thing, we’re going out there for a jog. At least he’ll be there to pick me up if I fall!