Terrible munchies

Today’s daily food intake… Weigh in day Previous weight: 104.6kg. Today’s weight: 103.4kg. 1.2kg loss Ack, today I have had the worst munchies. I have been craving salt all day long. I’m putting it down to having popcorn over the last couple of days, which I easily get addicted to. I don’t normally go for

Lessons learned

Today’s daily food intake… I feel so tired and zonked tonight, but I really have no reason to be. I was all geared up for swimming tonight, which was going to be followed by an aquaerobics class at the same place with Miss A. I left work, bag all packed and ready, rocked up to

Oh my aching legs

Yesterday’s daily food intake… Today’s daily food intake… Well I did it everyone. I got up at 6.21 (I had a one minute lie in I admit) this morning and got my walking gear on, got the GPS on my phone turned on, iPod plugged in, had a quick slug of water, fed Maximus Catticus

Run Fat B!tch Run

If you read my blog (and according to the stats, some of you do, which I have to say is very lovely to see…) you may recall that I got quite excited last Thursday because some books I had ordered had arrived. Well I didn’t get a chance to read anything on Thursday night, but

Bookish goodness

Today’s daily food intake… A couple of weeks ago I was watching the morning news when they had an interview with a lady called Ruth Field who had written a book called Run Fat B!tch Run. It was only a very brief interview and they didn’t really ask her any questions of great importance, in