NaNoWriMo = Success

Seriously folks, I know that this is officially my last post for November, but I’ve been writing all day, trying desperately to get my NaNoWriMo novel finished and my wrist is just KILLING me. Hurts so bad, and I still have a wee bit more writing to do so that I can officially win NaNoWriMo.

I need a tree

First off I would just like to say thank you very much to both Marshmallow, Chris and Linda for their kind words yesterday. When I woke up this morning and saw your comments you put a smile on my face and Marshy your Hugs just brought a warm feeling to me. When you think everything

Christmas is cancelled

No seriously people. Christmas is cancelled this year. My mum told me so today, when she said that she was no longer coming around for traditional Christmas Eve dinner. Why is it that at this time of the year when people are supposed to be happy, merry, cheery, bright and loving, it always turns out

The hike of my life

Okay so enough of my whingeing about the hike on Sunday (though really, I have so much more whingeing left in me – honest). It really was overall just a beautiful weekend. We left early on Saturday morning and took a nice leisurely drive down through Victor Harbour, ending up in Deep Creek Conservation park