Sick & over it

So tired of getting sick. Since I have come back from Denmark, I seem to keep getting colds and flus. Well I have topped it off and now have a chest infection and have spent the last 4 days in bed and I’m SO FREAKING BORED!!!!! Okay I have had my whinge, I am now

Back to reality

Well I am back home from Denmark. Have been home for a couple of weeks now, but it’s taken me a bit of time to get back into the swing of things. This wasn’t helped I suppose by coming home and then pretty much heading straight off to Renmark for a bit to see Mr

Two weeks to go

Not much to post at the moment, so just thought I would mention that I only have two weeks and one day until I leave for my trip to Denmark. Soooo excited now. And so nervous. On other news, the cables that have been missing for my laptop for 2 1/2 years have been located

I have a date!

Stop press. Yes you read it correctly. Tonight I have a date. And I’m mildly excited by it. Mildly nervous about it. Mildly sad about it too. I should be bouncing around and jumping for joy but I’m really not. So I met this guy on the internet on a dating site (Yes I’m sad,